Examples include, but are not limited to: Assessment, diagnosis and treatment for psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder Issues arising from the impact of physical health problems Stress management Excessive worry Unwanted habits Relationship difficulties Child behaviour issues Parenting skills Low self-esteem and confidence Goal-setting and issues of life satisfaction.
COGNITION has a long and distinguished track record in the provision of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) for a range of public and private sector organisations. We have been a provider of such services since COGNITION commenced trading in 1991. We have a reputation for quality, personalised services, aimed at achieving results for individuals and organisations.
COGNITION Psychologists are capable practitioners within the field of organisational development. We work in partnership with organisations to assist them plan, implement and evaluate processes aimed at effective positive change, such as team building, change management, leadership and staff development, etc. COGNITION also offers specific training aimed at increasing the competencies, productivity and well-being of individuals and teams.
Senior leaders struggle with extreme workloads, high expectations of performance, complex staff problems, and sometimes, a lack of people management and organisation skills. Like others, they have personal issues to cope with and may also experience psychological distress.
Our Psychologists are accustomed to working with individuals who have work injury or Third Party claims and understand the various systems and their requirements.
At COGNITION, we have experience in working in partnership with organisations to develop and implement workplace programs that are focused on the health and wellness of their people. For example, we provide services aimed at monitoring the current state of psychological health and at identifying individuals and groups who may be at risk of a decline in their emotional well-being.
Sadly, no organisation is immune from the potential to experience a crisis or be exposed to a significant traumatic event. Examples of an organisational crisis may include a major fault or error in delivery of a product and service, having legal action taken against it, or experiencing significant adverse public and media scrutiny.
Conflict occurs wherever people are. At COGNITION the approach to resolving workplace conflict is non-judgemental, unbiased and non-partisan. Individuals participating in mediation can expect to be treated with respect and empathy, and be offered a safe and confidential service designed to provide solutions that benefit all who participate.
Life is a ‘movable feast’ and we all face significant events and transitions. The COGNITION team is there to help you with these, such as: Planning for a successful retirement – you prepare financially, why not psychologically? Making the decision to have children. ‘Child-proofing’ your relationship once the children arrive.
There are times when organisations require information about how a team may be functioning, or they may wish to obtain statements regarding alleged disrespectful behaviour, or seek to understand the nature of the culture in the workplace.