COGNITION is a well-respected psychology practice that provides general and clinical services to individuals and families. We also work within the corporate sector providing organisational psychology services.
COGNITION has been successfully providing psychological services since 1991, with a client base that is predominantly within South Australia, but with some interstate organisational clients.
Although COGNITION remains focused on offering high quality psychological services as its primary business, we have recently expanded the services we offer clients by adding a multidisciplinary approach to the core services offered by the psychologists.
Examples include, but are not limited to: Assessment, diagnosis and treatment for psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder Issues arising from the impact of physical health problems Stress management Excessive worry Unwanted habits Relationship difficulties Child behaviour issues Parenting skills Low self-esteem and confidence Goal-setting and issues of life satisfaction.
COGNITION has a long and distinguished track record in the provision of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) for a range of public and private sector organisations. We have been a provider of such services since COGNITION commenced trading in 1991. We have a reputation for quality, personalised services, aimed at achieving results for individuals and organisations.
COGNITION Psychologists are capable practitioners within the field of organisational development. We work in partnership with organisations to assist them plan, implement and evaluate processes aimed at effective positive change, such as team building, change management, leadership and staff development, etc. COGNITION also offers specific training aimed at increasing the competencies, productivity and well-being of individuals and teams.
Our multi-disciplinary team consists primarily of Psychologists and an experienced Social Worker, all of whom bring with them a breadth of experience. The team consists of individuals of different ages and backgrounds, who have a range of interests and expertise, so that we may offer a comprehensive service to our clients. We encourage our clients to work with the person who provides the “best fit” for their needs.
Our office support staff are an integral part of the COGNITION service. They, like the rest of the COGNITION team, are trained to understand and respect confidentiality. They aim to make booking an appointment and having queries answered as easy as possible for our clients. Please ask them for any help you need.